Lighten Up Sweet Pea
Hi there and welcome to Lighten Up Sweet Pea! A podcast created by two great friends, who love their families, tattle over women’s issues, and pursue God in the everyday moments of life. Join Lisa and Leah as they share their crazy adventures, some female frustrations and a few glowing ah-ha moments. Each episode has the ingredients to make you smile, ponder, cringe and laugh out loud. Whether you’re eighteen or eighty, these super casual conversations will brighten up your day and lighten up your heart!
Lighten Up Sweet Pea
Perceiving & Receiving God’s New Thing!
Season 2
Episode 22
Happy 2022, Sweet Peas! God declared in Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I am doing a new thing.” This is a well-known and frequently quoted verse during this time of year, but that’s just part of the verse. While we’re busy making our New Year’s resolutions, cleaning, organizing, and filling in our brand-new calendars, we can often ignore a very important question. God ended this statement by asking His people, “…do you not perceive it?” In other words, God is doing anew thing, but we can miss it. YIKES! Join Leah & Lisa in this episode as we talk about the importance of constantly keeping our eyes on our Father God to perceive what new things He is up to, so we can obey and follow His lead. We don’t want to miss a thing!